dijous, 14 d’agost del 2008

Transformation 245: OOO

By Xurri

This is an automatically generated out of office autoreply.

Xurri Transformer is Out Of Office from 15 Aug to 8 Sept.

I'll be out of office since August 15th until September 8th, walking slowly and with limited access to my e-mail, because time is not enough for everything, life starts ending at time of birth and also because babies cry when they feel it.

Should you need to contact me in the meanwhile in order to ask what do they feel, you may either reach the thin man looking sick, or you may instead call me to my mobile.

I will try to tell you about the stink of death spreading around ASAP.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Very currated post
So you deserve to enjoy longly largely & deeply of your holidays.

I'm not going to phone you to your mobile because I'm sure you'd appreciate not to be disturbed at all...
"For everything there is a season", so we'll wait for September 8th and see what kind of life you've been smelling ...